Wednesday, May 12, 2010

one year later

well its nearly a year later since mt accident. the foot has healed as best as its going to. no surgery at the moment. we dont know whats causing my pain or swelling yet but hope to soon so in the meantime i am going to start where i left off and begin training once again. it will be painful but well worth it.

so today i walked back into the gym at my apartment complex for the first time in close to a year. i felt good all the way through. i walked 2.2 miles at 2.9 to 3.2 miles per hour. i walked for 35 minutes total
i rode the bike for a total of 8.94 miles at 18.6 to 21.2 miles fr half an hour
i also did 10 minutes of weight training. i am sore but feel great right now

Sunday, November 15, 2009


well here it is for what its worth another update.
saw a doctor last week. my messed up ankle is not healing. it would seem surgery is looming. we will know soon
i have a specialist to go see in the next week or so

Thursday, October 15, 2009

random updates

this past monday kc started his new position at yet a new gamestop he is now an asm.
its good to see him succeed.

little guy is thriving and doing well. hes enjoying school so far 1st grade seems to agree with him.

the weather stinks today its rainy and chilly but its october in charleston the fair will be here in a week so it has to be cold.
my foot is in a stale mate i seemed to have stopped healing. im in constant pain. it swells randomly and turns red or bruises with the slightest touch. im in a stiff brace and praying for now.

when we get the full time benefits we are going to see a specialist and see if i need surgery

Monday, September 7, 2009

here are a few new pics

heres a few random pics most are the first day of school one he second and one the day kleigh got his glasses

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

two part post

vision tests

well at 11 am i went in and had my eyes checked. my vision has deteriorated yet again, at this current pace i could be legally if not completely blind by age 55. not such great news

more to come junior has his appointment in a few hours

kc has better than perfect vision naturally

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

cant win for losing

just got back from the emergency room. i have had pain for close to 6 weeks now in my left ankle. it got better and then sunday my foot started to bruise and swell. the pain was terrible but i dealt with it. well today the pain was the worst yet. so we went in and got xrays no fractures or breaks but its badly sprained and i have some damaged muscles mostly overworked and majorly strained.
and tendonitis. wat can i say when i hurt myself i do it up good. i never could just injury one part of me.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

kleighs owie

my son had an accident on saturday. he was trying out his wwe moves and did a face plant into the coffee table. he has a black eye and 2 stitches. wont be the last injury im sure. he decided to post pics today so here they are. kids will be kids i suppose.