Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ea active cont.

website for ea active

ea active

im sure some of you know what it is. well its an exercise video game. it came out yesterday and i am doing it. so we shall see. right now it hurts like crazy. i am doing the first 30 day challenge.

i will post my results as i have some

my weight is up a little too due to stress so im at 152 currently ugh i know

Thursday, May 14, 2009

yay a car

we have resolved the car matter. we now have a ford escort shes old but reliable so im not complaining shes a 93 but who cares its a car

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

angry angry angry

those sorry cowards took my car and not even legally. i need and want my car back someone help please

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

cars again

well our car problems are now worse. we may lose ours in the near future. we need 1510.00 to save it. due to lose of employment and not being able to find work we fell behind on the payments. this sucks we have been paying for this car since 2004. we owe less than 5000. dollars. you would think they would work with us but no they wont.

any ideas we are open to them

Sunday, May 3, 2009

cars i swear

today was well not fun. stupid car and its stupid battery. piece of crap. i swear when things are already not going to great something else has to happen.

the car dies. we pulled into a target parking lot to drop my brother off. car was running just fine. kc turned it off and went to crank her back up to leave she wouldnt start.

my brothers friend tries to jump in to no avail. so we walk to to parks auto parts and but a battery. and the guy who worked there was nice enough to take us back to the car and even installed it for us. thank God for good people